Mentorship is considered as a very important component of the functioning of higher education institutions. Mentoring can be defined as, “A professional relationship in which an experienced person (the mentor) assists another (the mentee) in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the mentee’s professional and personal growth”. The mentor’s role is to share experience, insights and feedback that will guide the mentee in the achievement of his or her learning objectives. A qualitative relationship between mentor and mentee is vital for the success of the mentoring system.
Listening plays an important part in the mentoring role – listening to understand the mentee’s goals and to uncover key learning opportunities that support those goals.
The 3 A’s of mentorship are fundamental to any form of mentorship. The mentor should be available, analytical, and an active listener.
A mentor has to listen carefully to his or her mentee’s goals, strengths and struggles. Based on those goals, the mentor supports the mentee in meeting his or her goals through questioning, providing guidance and feedback, sharing his or her own experiences, and possibly connecting the mentee with other individuals or groups who could help. The mentor should be supportive, not critical or negative, and should remember that everyone’s experiences and priorities are different.
Guidelines for Mentors
Mentor Do’s
For More details Contact:
Mrs. M Snehadevi, Associate Professor.
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