Media Cell is an integral part of a successful institution. Its sole purpose is to ensure that the college remains in focus of news media and other media. Media Cell serves as a bridge between media houses, The BIMS Media Cell is a dedicated team of representatives from various academic departments of College. The team works towards publishing and distributing information on the various activities, achievements and successes of the institute through various print, electronic, digital and social media channels. The members are drawn from across the college staff in order to ensure a holistic approach to information dissemination and coverage.
The members of the Media cell committee carry out functions that are relevant within the scope of the committee. The members of Media cell present content for periodic updating of the Institution website. Also, the official Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin and Twitter pages of the Institution are managed by them.
Objectives and Functions:
Streamline your admission process with our convenient
Resource hub for academic growth and research in college.
Exhibition space showcasing artistic endeavors and cultural